Battlefield 2 : Armored Fury (Booster Pack)


BATTLEFIELD 2 : Armored Fury

Battlefield 2 Armored fury isn't a expansion pack but Armored Fury is a booster pack for battlefield 2, Armored fury is the second booster pack because the first is European Union. Armored Fury adds 3 new map, and new vehicle classes, attack jets, and reconnaissance helicopters. all of the map in Armored fury is about the invasion of MEC (Middle East Coalition) and PLA (People Liberation Army) to America,and the USMC need to defend their land from the invaders. the first map, Operation Midnight Sun features PLA landing at alaskan port Valdez where they are trying to secure much needed from the pipeline. The second map is Operation Road Rage is battle of USMC againts MEC, where the MEC are using US highways to transport units to industrial areas. and the last map. Operation Harvest
This booster pack will add mew vehicles, attack or close air support aircraft such as the A-10 Warthog, Su-25 FrogFoot and the Nanchang Q-5 and new light utility helicopters such as OH-6 Littlebird,EC-635 and Z-11. Dice has added e few vehicles too.. like the Muscle car and Semi Truck.. This Booster Pack is also added in Update patch 1.50 as a free content

Battlefield 2 Armored Fury MEC attack jet: Su-25 Frogfoot

Battlefield 2 Armored Fury US Attack Jet : A10 Warthog

Battlefield 2 Armored Fury US Chopper : OH-6 Little Bird
Battlefield 2 Armored Fury MEC Chopper : EC-635

Battlefield 2 Armored Fury : PLA Chopper Z-11


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