Mount & Blade


War has come down on Calradia and war attracts its own bunch of misfits. Mercenaries, cutthroats, knights and adventurers flood into the land looking for employment, fortune and glory. But war is a harsh master. It gives away death and grief to the lot, fortune to a chosen few, and glory, wise men say, to none. Still, men ride to war, for one or other reason. Some because they are looking for thrill and excitement, some because they are desperate and know no other way. Some because they are so bitter and hateful that they are willing to unleash doom on earth... And yet some, because they are the very heroes who will step forward to stop that...
Combining a sophisticated, dynamic game world and intense medieval swordfighting action, Mount and Blade strives to create a game experience never seen before. Playing Mount and Blade, you will venture through a world filled with daring enemies as well as friendly groups that will come to your aid or need yours. In a land torn by constant danger, raids and skirmishes, you will raise and lead your own war band, commanding dozens of hardened soldiers. You will hunt down your enemies following the tracks they leave behind. And you will fight epic battles where arrows cut the air with deadly hisses, axes and swords hack with fury, and horses and men clash into a violent melee.
The world
Mount and Blade places you in a dynamic world alive with action and detail. NPC groups in this world are continuously active, journeying, looking for enemies and engaging in battles with each other, whether you are there to see them or not. It is, in a way, a very real world. Events unfold and some quests are resolved through the world's own dynamics.
Battles in MountandBlade require a high degree of concentration and user involvement. A few powerful blows can take you down, and there is no such thing as a "healing potion", therefore you must stay alert and parry or dodge each and every blow. This is difficult, but when you enter a pitched battle against five dark knights, and emerge as the last man standing, you will know that you deserve your reputation as the finest swordfighter in Calradia.
The Commander
Even a formidable fighter can be overwhelmed by numbers and enemy parties tend to be strong in numbers in MountandBlade. Therefore if you want to stand up against them, you will have to raise your own band of soldiers. Peasants will join your band with nothing more than their farming tools. And in the firebed of battles, they will either perish or be hardened into professional warriors, while you yourself will evolve from a lonesome adventurer to a seasoned and cunning commander, and a fighting force to be feared.
Characters and Quests
An absorbing world featuring vivid characters, realistic dialogues and intuitive quests adds to the excitement of the game and establishes the atmosphere.
While being a light-weight game, Mount and Blade is neverthless exciting, addictive, and revolutionary. We invite you to join in the fun and ride your horse to the adventures that await you in the Calradian plains...

Free Download CCleaner


Hi, sorry if I rarely take care of my blog, hehehehehe ..... this time I will discuss aboutCCleaner, formerly I was also confused, what is this program? hehehehe ...

What is CCleaner?
CCleaner is one of the many free software to enhance our overall Windows performance
.  CCleaner is a very useful tool for cleaning our windows from the file useless files. Usually it is a registry-file registry of programs that we have previously uninstalled. Actually there are already programs like this from windows own innate,that is Disk Cleanup. But, the Disk Cleanup Can only clean the C drive , whileCCleaner can clean the registry of the registry of the drive-anywhere, even to clean the USB flashdisk. Also CCleaner is also faster, safer and easier to use. Use CCleanerevery once a week, although within a week that we have not pernha uninstall the program. The goal is to reduce potential errors in the program or computer. . .
 What did it do with Windows? Let's look at an interesting fact of this software:
-The ability of these applications include:
  Clean up files that are no longer useful from Windows such as temporary files, logs,and the recycle bin.
-Clean Internet history, download history, cookies generated by browsers like Firefox,Internet Explorer, Opera, etc..
-Cleaning the entries that are not useful from a registry such as Extensions, ActiveXControls, ClassIDs, ProgIDs, uninstallers, Shared DLLs, Fonts, Help Files, Application Paths, Icons, Invalid Shortcuts and more
-Cleaning the temporary files, recent list of third-party applications such as MediaPlayer Classic, Nero, Office, Winamp and others.
